Home Actions Graphicriver Ultra Colour Pop Photoshop Action 11498709

Graphicriver Ultra Colour Pop Photoshop Action 11498709

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Name Graphicriver Ultra Colour Pop Photoshop Action 11498709
Size 2.30 kB
Created on 2015-05-27 20:14:04
Hash f3a372106019bff30b5a5c9237a76f56fc007130
Files Graphicriver Ultra Colour Pop Photoshop Action 11498709/Graphicriver Ultra Colour Pop Photoshop Action.tgz (1.90 kB)
Graphicriver Ultra Colour Pop Photoshop Action 11498709/Torrent Downloaded From ExtraTorrent.cc.txt (0.35 kB)
Graphicriver Ultra Colour Pop Photoshop Action 11498709/Torrent downloaded from demonoid.pw.txt (0.05 kB)

Descriptions for Description

Name: Ultra Colour Pop Photoshop Action
Created: 21 May 15
Last Update: 21 May 15
Add-on Files Included: Photoshop ATN
Works With: DNG, TIFF, PSD, JPG, RAW
Minimum Adobe CS Version: CS3

This Photoshop Action is compatible with PS CS3 and higher, including PS CC as well.

Instructions how to use: 1. Open Photoshop. 2. Click on the “Window” tab, click “Actions”, once the window has appeared you click on the arrow on the right side, click on “Load Actions” and select the file 3. Once opened go to your Actions tab, click the play button and watch the magic happen 4. Easy Peasy!

More information: http://graphicriver.net/item/ultra-colour-pop-photoshop-action/11498709



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